Happy New Year CTAPers and can't wait for you to hear our lineup of incredible guests in 2020. Put your seatbelt on, it's going to be a wild ride.
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Hello CTAP family, it's been a little while. We apologize for the delay but this one is well worth the wait. Most competitive startup environments in the world Silicon Valley to building some of the largest companies in creating a team culture that can endure any situation that evolve as a leader. This episode will knock your damn socks off Steve Newcomb was an incredible guest in this candid conversation of one of the most Savvy businessmen we've ever had the pleasure of getting to know so get your notepads out this one is a wild ride Happy New Year from the bottom of our hearts we wish you true happiness in this upcoming decade good health and hope I doing these interviews with people who get the job done and Inspire those around them by taking action that you two can find courage within yourself to accomplish your dreams because a lot of the time it can be one sentence that someone says that can change the course of your life and our hope is to inspire you to take life head-on in 2020 so from call the podcast this is our gift to you episode for Superman Steve Newcomb.